Last Modified: 2022-12-01

Kwik5 consists of the following two tools,

  1. Kwik exporter for Adobe Photoshop UXP plugin

    it publishes images(1x, 2x, 4x) and lua files of layer properties (x, y, width, height) to a selected App/book folder of a Solar2D project.

  2. kwik Visual Code editor for Solar2D

    the publsiehd project from Kwik exporter has an editing capabiliy on Solar2D simulator

    it attaches animation, button etc to a layer, and updates the project codes(lua files) when you save each properteis of kwik components/events(actions).

    circled A, B images are helper objects of Kwik to specify a Layer Animation position from pos A to pos B. You can drag A to starting position, B to ending podistion of a target layer.

    Lively preview is available when you enter a new value to component properties.

    Solar2D simulator automatically reloads itself when there are updated files. (Kwik4 needed publsihing code to update a solar2d project)

    the kwik editor can read single or mutiple books project.

You can create a single book app and mutiple books project with the following project structure.

Please set a App/book folder as the output folde when you publsih images/codes with Kwik exporter UXP plugin.