Last Modified: 2023-12-19

Rest Server

See get_started/custom_class as well


returns .json of layer components(classes) or events/commands. It also returns default values of compoent properties


### run pegasus server if not running, and return books
GET /app

GET /bookFree

GET /bookFree/page1

### selectLayer
GET /bookFree/page1/title

GET /bookFree/page1/title/linear


receives Props of layers and Commands and then renders .lua components/commands. It also stores the request params in .json

### modify layer props
POST /bookFree/page1/title/?command=preview
Content-Type: application/yaml


### save layer props with the current value
POST /bookFree/page1/title/?command=save
Content-Type: application/yaml


creates a new lua file in App directory if not exist. scafolding a lua file

GET /app

GET /newBook
PUT /newBook
PUT /newBook/newPage

### update index.lua too
PUT /newBook/newPage/newLayer
PUT /newBook/newPage/newLayer/?class=linear

### custom class
GET /components/custom
PUT /components/custom/newClass
PUT /newBook/newPage/newLayer/?class=newClass

### events
GET /newBook/commands/newPage
PUT /newBook/commands/newPage/newEvent


removes a lua file

DELETE /newBook/newPage/newLayer
DELETE  /newBook/newPage/newLayer/?class=linear

### custom class?
DELETE /components/custom/newClass
DELETE /newBook/newPage/newLayer/?class=newClass

### events
DELETE /newBook/commands/newPage/newEvent