Last Modified: 2024-01-31

Kwik Exporter Plugin for Photoshop

Kwik4 created a project folder where psd files are placed. Kwik5 you can creat a folder for your psd files on your own. When Kwik Exporter opens, it asks for the folder location.

Steps to publsh images of layers of . psd files

  1. Manually create a project folder with Finder(mac) or Explorer (win), and put your psd files there.

  2. In Photoshop, extension > Kwik

    1. Open button for selecting your folder of .psd files

    2. Click to open one psd file

      • In Layers panel, you can set a color-code to a layer folder to tell Kwik for publishing each image of chidren.
    3. New or Select Book button

      please select a Solar2D project folder

    4. Publish button

      specify which .psd files to be processed

      • checkbox all the psd files, or input index numbers of each .psd in the list. ex “3-5”, or “1, 3, 5”

    For Active Document, you can choose

    • Export Code
    • Export Images

UI: Exporter plugins for PS, XD, Figma

Publish all images of selected documents

  1. mark checkboxes of document’s names you want to publish

    spectrum tableview is not yet supported in UXP

    • Ctl(Win) or Option(Mac) + Space key toggles selection for the focused row
    • toggle all on/off
  2. clcik

    opendFileDialog asks a book folder under App folder.

Active Document exports Images for an active document document

  1. open .psd by cliking the psd name in the list

    Kwik4_1280x1920.psd with background image 1440x2776

    kwik5 does not request the canvas size of .psd as 1280x1920 when publising

  2. clcik Export Images

    openFileDialog asks a book folder under App folder.

Layer Groups - Logic in Kwik

It controls exporting option of a layerSet(layer group) by creating a sub folder in a Solar2D project. This is done by chekcing the color code of a layer in Layers panel. If a color code for unmerge is set, it wiil export the chidlren of a layer set.

  1. create a folder with same name as layerSet in book/assets/images/FILE_NAME_OF_PSD

    for instance, “bg” is a layer group of kwik4_1280x1920.psd

    you can manually create the bg folder under App/book/assets/images/kwik4_1280x1920 so the export images function knows where to put images of sub layers of a group. So you can have each imagge of the member of a layer group.

    If such no folder with the same name as a layer group, the image of a layer group is exported.

> A concept of Kwik5 is to use App folder as a project base. It is a kind of file-based database where .json, .lua and assets files are placed. No more .kwk xml file of Kwik4 is there.

> Direclty Editing  a file under App folder while running Solar2D Simulator means a live editing.  There is no build4 folder of Kwik4 either

TODO Active Document > Layer Selection Only

Editor Frontend for PS, XD, Figma