Last Modified: 2024-04-10

Asset and Component Releation

graph RL

subgraph editor
  tool[video replacement tool]
  tool -.- default([defautprops])

subgraph App.bookX
  subgraph assets
    json[(assets.json for editor)]

  subgraph components.pageX
    subgraph layers
      imageOne.lua -.- layerProps([props table])
      imageOne_video.lua -.- videoProps([props table])

readAssetFunc -. 1 traverse with lfs .-> App.bookX
readAssetFunc -. 2 generate .-> json
YourInput -. 3 selecting layer <br> and video .-> tool
tool -. 4-1 read/write .- json
json -. 4-2 link for publish .- video.mp4
tool -. 5 render when publshing .-> imageOne_video.lua

subgraph photoshop
  kwik([kwik plugin])
generativeAI[[Generative AI]]

kwik -. images .-> assets
kwik -. lua files .-> layers

generativeAI -. images audios videos .-> assets

Four ways to compose layers with assets.

  1. plugin in photoshop > editor > layer replacement
  2. vs code to compose index.lua manually
  3. vs code to compose assets.json
  4. httYac to compose index.lua

plugin in photoshop > editor > layer replacement

  1. Kwik plugin in Photoshop to publish images and lua files
  2. put media files into App.bookX/assets folder
  3. use Kwik Visual Editor
    1. select a layer

    2. select a layer replacement tool (ex video tool)

    3. save the props of video replacement

      the selected layer is linked to the selected media

    4. pubish

//TODO screenshots

//TODO readAsset to merge/validate assets.json with /components/pageX/index.lua?

editor logic

vs code to compose index.lua manually

  1. put media files into App.bookX/assets folder

assets.json will be generated automatically by editor

  1. vs code to compose App/booxX/components/pageX/index.lua

    add a layer element to components.layers table with a class (ex “video”)

    local scene = require('controller.scene').new(sceneName, {
        name = "page1",
        components = {
          layers = {
                {  bg={
                                  } },
                {  layerOne={ class={"video"} } },
          audios = {},
          groups = {},
          timers = {},
          variables = {},
          page = { }
        commands = { "eventOne", "eventTwo", "act01" },
        onInit = function(scene) print("onInit") end
  2. App/booX/comonents/pageX/layers

    add the lua files with the props

    • layerOne.lua
      local layerProps = {
        blendMode = "normal",
        height    =  1280 - 0,
        width     = 1920 - 0 ,
        kind      = pixel,
        name      = "bg",
        type      = "png",
        x         = 1920 + (0 -1920)/2,
        y         = 0 + (1280 - 0)/2,
        alpha     = 100/100,
    • layerOne_video.lua
      local props = {
        actionName    = "{{actionName}}",
        delay         = {{delay}},
        iterations    = {{iterations}},
        name          = "{{name}}",
      return require("components.kwik.layer_video").new(props)

editor logic

when Solar2D simulator refreshes automatically, and then editor read pageX/index.lua for updating assets.json

readAsset() uses lfs to read media files in App.bookX/assets folder, and generate layer names of links table for assets.json out of pageX/index.lua

vs code to compose assets.json

you can scafold .lua files with the asset command/bat. The asset_lua_generator(.command/.bat) generates lua files into the following directories with assets.json/yml/lua

  1. put media files into App.bookX/assets folder

  2. prepare assets.json (yml, lua are supported) to spefify layers with media files

  3. scafold with the asset_lua_generator in the vs code terminal

  4. edit each lua manually for positions and props

    you may use common/align.lua for auto layout

    or use editor/httpYac to modify the props of layers and components

    // TODO Move/Transform tool in editor

    // TODO asset_lua_generator


if you don’t use kwik plugin in Photoshop, scafolding with assets.json will help you work wtih media files

if layes are not found in page/index.lua, sset_lua_generator will add them to index.lua

you can use asset_lua_generator after publshing images/lua files from Kwik plugin in Photoshop, and then manually associateing layers and media files for replacements

if you run asset_lua_generator for the second time, it will not overwirte existing lua files. It will scafold a new lua file for a new component which is not found in pageX/index.lua

httpYac to compose index.lua

  1. put media files into App.bookX/assets folder

  2. put (create) a layer and layer_xxx lua files with httpYac

    ## PUT
    ### creates a new lua file in App directory if not exist. scafolding a lua file
    GET /app
    GET /book
    PUT /book
    GET /book/page01
    ### update index.lua too
    PUT /book/page01/newLayer
    PUT /book/page01/newLayer/?class=video
    Content-Type: application/yaml
  3. post(update) a layer with class

    GET /book/assets
    POST /book/page/newLayer/?class=video
    url: video.mp4
    POST /book/page/newLayer/?class=video

//TODO update assets.json


      selectors.tree new, modiy, delete (hide filter for selectbox)
      show (doGet)  > assetsTable

        lua table (asset.json) will be saved into asset folder

        file info(fixed props) // should we reference props table in App/bookX/components/pageX?
                               // yes, they are tangible props of a component in a page
          - audio_props.lua
            audioProps = {
              language    = nil,
              folder = nil,
              filename = "alphabet.mp3",
              sentenceDir = "alphabet",

            textProps = {
              filename = "alphabet.txt",

         - spritesheet_props.lua
              filename = "butflysprite.png",
              sheetInfo = {
                width = 188,
                height = 188,
                sheetWidth = 376,
                sheetHeight = 188,

         - video_props.lua

        assets audio, video, spritesheet, synctext
        fetch it from url
          openapi plugin whisper with timecode? ⭐️
        dummy assets from sample and rename to use it

      doPost for an asset to preview?
        this needs a position to tell where to insert it in layers'tree so use

          POST /book/page/newLayer/?class=video

          file: video.mp4


          save it to App/book/models/assets.json

          lfs to traverse files in asset folder  except images. This table is also updated from replacement tools
          for instance, user selects a video replacement and choose a videoA.mp4 to layerOne on page1,

            - page1/layerA_video.jspn

            - assets.json
                audios = {},
                fonts = {},
                -- images = {}
                particles = {},
                sprites = {},
                videos = {
                    name = "videoA.mp4",
                    path = "videos",
                    links = {{page= "page01", layers = {"imageOne"}},
                            {page= "page02", layers = {"iamgeTwo"}}}

          editor > assets
            - select

              videoA.mp4 layers = page1/layerOne,  page2/layerTwo

              option only current page

            - add

                a new layer is added to index.lua with the asset class with deafult props on a current page

            - modify

               edit and save properties

            - delete
              remove layers, option to delete from a disk

      for, it needs a generic form

      PUT to set a class for a layer
        - add it to index.lua, model.json
        - scafold layer_class.lua with a template

        it entry exists, and no params, get values from controller (controlProps) which has been updated by POST?

      POST to add properties

      if it is not one of kwik's classes, first create a new custom class

        PUT components/custom/newClass

        this class.lua does not have a template, props is a lua table that can be encoded into json