Last Modified: 2022-12-01


you don’t need to use kwik-generate-model nor kwik-editor to output lua files. You can skip making .json files of these tools, and you create a lua file manually into a folder, and append a name of additional file to scenes/pageX/index.lua

At runtime, Kwik Code Framework reads scenes/pageX/index.lua to load each .lua files of pageX. The object names for commands, compnents, scenes are defined in the index.lua.

kwik-genereate-index is a tool to update the index.lua from traversing the folders above.

  1. create .lua for commands, components, layers of pageX,
  2. run the tool to generate components/pageX/index.lua

you don’t need to use kwik-generate-index tool. You can manually edit it but it would be better to generate the index.lua with the tool.

Alternatively, there is another tool named kwik-scaffold-lua. This tool scafolds .lua files from components/pageX/index.lua. The tool does not overwrite .lua if exists, and may delete .lua if not defined in index.lua

Which Workflow do you like?

I like A because thinking about files/folders strcure with a file explorer, and coping/pasting an exsiting file could be easier when coding is in progress.

To initiate a project, B would work quicky to make a skelton structure.